Production environment

This section is an overview of the repositories, projects, and systems used in a production deployment.

Reference: Google SRE book section on Production Environment

Repository structure

This repository contains a ‘meta chart’ (mybinder) that fully captures the state of the deployment on Since it is a full helm chart, you can read the official helm chart structure document to know more about its structure.

Dependent charts

The core of the meta-chart pattern is to install a bunch of dependent charts, specified in mybinder/requirements.yaml. This contains both support charts like nginx-ingress & kube-lego, but also the core application chart binderhub. Everything is version pinned here.

Configuration values

The following files fully capture the state of the deployment for staging:

  1. mybinder/values.yaml - Common configuration values between prod & staging
  2. secret/config/staging.yaml - Secret values specific to the staging deployment
  3. config/staging.yaml - Non-secret values specific to the staging deployment

The following files fully capture the state of the production deployment:

  1. mybinder/values.yaml - Common configuration values between prod & staging
  2. secret/config/prod.yaml - Secret values specific to the production deployment
  3. config/prod.yaml - Non-secret values specific to the production deployment

Important: For maintainability and consistency, we try to keep the contents of staging.yaml and prod.yaml super minimal - they should be as close to each other as possible. We want all common config in values.yaml so testing on staging gives us confidence it will work on prod. We also never share the same secrets between staging & prod for security boundary reasons. specific extra software

We sometimes want to run additional software for the mybinder deployment that does not already have a chart, or would be too cumbersome to use with a chart. For those cases, we can create kubernetes objects directly from the mybinder meta chart. You can see an example of this under mybinder/templates/redirector that is used to set up a simple nginx based HTTP redirector.